Plastic packaging has an important role in protecting goods as they move through our economy and importantly, in reducing food waste. But a throwaway culture around plastic has led to increasing levels of pollution in the natural environment.

In the UK alone, approximately 2.2 million tonnes of plastic packaging is generated every year.  Currently, less than half of this is recycled.  Alternatives to non-recyclable plastic packaging are an essential part of the solution to the world’s growing plastic pollution problem – and the onus is on food manufacturers and retailers to lead the way.

No Adhesives

Enviraflex films are produced using thermal lamination technology, without the use of adhesives.  This means the finished substrate is free of contaminants that can hamper the recycling process.  Laminating without adhesives also minimises the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are emitted during production, contributing to fewer overall C02 emissions.

Towards zero waste

Plastic packaging has a bad reputation – but it’s one of the best tools we have to preserve food security and minimise food waste.  The key to the sustainable use of plastic is innovation.  Enviraflex allows brands to continue enjoying the benefits of plastic, while tapping into existing recycling streams that divert millions of tonnes of plastic from landfill each year.

Our ground-breaking technology removes common barriers to plastic recycling – such as mixed material substrates and adhesives – to create a new generation of highly versatile packaging films that are 100% recyclable in ordinary waste management facilities.

We’re working with the food industry and other manufacturers
to envisage a future where plastic is no longer a throwaway commodity.

Light, strong and waterproof, plastic is one of mankind’s greatest innovations – so let’s not waste it.
Discover how Enviraflex technology can make plastic work smarter.

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